City Cruises Canada’s

‘Triple A’ Service Model



We create amazing experiences! That is City Cruises Canada’s Mission Statement. It is our promise to our guests and our fellow crew members. 

We believe that creating amazing experiences involves three components:

  • Amazing Crew, creating Amazing Interactions, resulting in Amazing Experiences

We call this formula, ‘Triple A’ Service. 


  • To demonstrate being present means taking the time to LISTEN to the guest. Actively listening to what they say, so that you can get a clear understanding of their question or concern. It is using cues like eye contact, head nodding or repeating back what they have asked – so they understand that you understood what they said.


  • FOCUS is the art of eliminating distractions during the interaction. These distractions can be other guests, crew members, or the task at hand. When FOCUS is not part of the guest interaction – it can make them feel like they do not matter.


  • Being AVAILABLE means being ready to serve. Whether it is standing at a counter, behind a cash register or at the gangway. Being AVAILABLE is telling the guest that we’ve been waiting for them and we are ready to provide them with an amazing experience.



Being KNOWLEDGEABLE demonstrates confidence to the guest. You are a representative of the company. When you demonstrate KNOWLEDGE in your position, the company and alternatives – it helps to build trust between you and the guest. The guest believes in what you are saying and what you are doing.

  • Being KNOWLEDGEABLE means understanding all of the key elements of your JOB and the COMPANY. Staying informed with what is going on (pre-shift, Crew Connect, Communication TVs etc.).


  • Being KNOWLEDGEABLE also provides you the opportunity to offer ALTERNATIVES. If the guest asks for something specific, and we are unable to accommodate the specific need – we don’t say ‘no’ – we should be offering an alternative based on your knowledge.


Three words to describe RELIABLE are – CONSISTENT, TIMELY and APPEARANCE.

  • Being CONSISTENT in our customer service interactions involves delivering a high level of service across all customer touchpoints – at every point of contact. Whether the guest interacts with the Server, Deckhand, EVS, Ticket seller, Cruise Narrator – the experience that we provide across each area should be predictable and uniform for the guest. The way that the Deckhand positively interacts with the guest, should be the same that the Server does. A positive interactions with the Deckhand = a positive interaction with the Server. For the guest, it should be a seamless transition.


  • TIMELY is all about serving the guest in a quick and efficient manner. For example, most people expect that when they sit down in a restaurant, the Server comes over to them shortly to greet them, provide them with water, and take a drink order. That is an example of being TIMELY. 


  • Reliable also involves APPEARANCE. The look and feel of the experience. Referring to both the atmosphere (the cleanliness of the restaurant, the boat) and the crew members. Are the crew members looking and acting like representatives of the company? Are they wearing the appropriate uniform? Do they look presentable, wearing a name tag, following the grooming standards (i.e., hair neat, fingernails clean etc.)? 


Acknowledging the guest is crucial for several reasons:

    • builds trust and rapport
    • enhances the customer experience
    • sets the tone for the experience
    • shows professionalism

Offering a warm SMILE shows attentiveness and friendliness to the guest. A SMILE communicates your state of mind. Smiling says that we want to be here serving the guest. It says that we are ready and willing to go the extra mile. A SMILE is also an invitation. It sets the tone. It can be one of the most significant parts of the guest’s experience. 

Providing EYE CONTACT with the guest is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to make person feel recognized, understood and valued. It is using your eyes to make a connection with the guest; making them feel welcomed. 

Greeting the guest with a verbal WELCOME gives you the change to make a positive first impression. It tells the guest that you are receptive, respectful and open to them.  It tells the guest that they are important to you! Some great welcoming messages include:

  • Hi there! Welcome to (port name)
  • Welcome aboard! Have an amazing cruise
  • Hi! Beautiful day isn’t it? Great day for a boat ride!
  • Hello – we are excited to have you cruising with us today!
  • Welcome – where you from?


Being PROACTIVE means causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened.

  • Watch for CUES from the guest.  Are they looking lost, or looking around – being PROACTIVE means interjecting and asking them if you can help, before they ask.
    • Guests may not always bring something to our attention – they may communicate through their body language (arms crossed, rolling eyes, stiff bodied) – because of this, we have to be alert to the signals that they guests may be displaying.


  • ANTICIPATE the guest’s needs. This begins by understanding the business. Figure out what are the most commonly asked questions from the guest and be prepared to answer them. If the guest has ordered a specific product (i.e., steak or burger) – give them the proper cutlery (steak knife) or ask them if they want condiments.
    • Anticipation is about looking for opportunities for us to be AMAZING before the guest even mentions something to us.


  • When being PROACTIVE, it is important to INITIATE the interaction with the guest. This means not waiting for the guest to approach you to ask for something, it is about you making yourself available to the guest by initiating the interaction with them first! 


Being GENUINE means being truly authentic – real in the situation. Instead of following a script or using canned responses, it is about speaking from the heart and being yourself. Guests can often tell when someone is being insincere, so it is important to be genuine in your interactions.

  • Having the right ATTITUDE is a good start. Understanding that your role at City Cruises Canada is to create amazing experiences for the guest. This involves a commitment to be positive, willing to help, not getting annoyed when a guest asks the same question etc. It is having a positive ATTITUDE and understanding that your interactions with the guest are what matters to them in that moment.


  • Being GENUINE often involves CONNECTING with the guest. It adds to the guests overall experience if you take the time to engage and CONNECT with the guest. 
    • Some great examples of CONNECTING include offering to take photo, asking them where they are from, how long are in the area, commenting on the sport’s jersey they may be wearing.


  • CONNECTING is about serving the guest in a way that makes them feel like an individual and not just another transaction.


  • Another great way to create a GENUINE interaction with the guest is to PERSONALIZE it. If you have the opportunity, address the guest by using their name. Remember their preferences (if they order a drink, remember it for the next order). Demonstrate to the guest that you are interested, you listened and you care.


Showing GRATITUDE in customer service is essential for building strong relationships with the guest. It is demonstrating to the guest that we are THANKFUL for their business. 

Whether the guest is disembarking the vessel, leaving the restaurant, exiting the property… saying ‘thank you’ to the guest leavings a lasting impression with them.

Some excellent ways to show GRATITUDE and be THANKFUL to the guest include:

  • Have an AMAZING day
  • Thank you for choosing us. Hope to see you again!
  • Enjoy the rest of your day
  • Thank you for joining us today


A guest should never leave our property feeling not satisfied – that is not ‘creating amazing’.

Every attempt should be made to find SOLUTIONS for the guests who may have had a negative experience.

Offering SOLUTIONS or alternatives is a great way to turn around a negative guest experience. If a guest asks for a particular beverage, and we do not offer that – find an alternative.  

A great Service Recovery model to use to find a SOLUTION is called Make it Right:

Respond to the problem

Identify the situation

Genuine apology

Handle the situation

Thank the guest

If you are ever in a situation and you are unable to turn the experience around, be sure to contact your supervisor or manager. 


Customer LOYALTY refers to the ongoing preference of a customer for a particular brand, product or service over others. 

Loyal customers consistently choose the service because of positive experiences, satisfaction and trust they have developed with the company over time. 

Customers who are loyal will often have a RETURN experience. They will also tend to experience similar products or services that the company has to offer (i.e., another Canadian port)

Loyal customers are more likely to recommend the company to others becoming advocates who promote the brand through word-of-mouth, social media and reviews.

Positive feedback, builds our Net Promoter Score (NPS).